Sunday, June 7, 2009

No. 26 Dolo croissant

he is a woodman.
loves being in the forest.
sometimes he climbs mountains and
sometimes he discovers
mysterious caves.
he feels really comfortable in his
yellow and blue warm yarn jumper
and always wears his felted hat.
dolo croissant is an exclusive one-of-a-kind
handcrafted rag doll, signed and dated
he is approx 8.3" high and 5.5" wide.
hands can spin.
his face is carefully hand embroidered.
made with vintage fabrics and
stuffed with polyfill.
posted here too.

es un leñador,
un hombre de las montañas.
le encanta estar en el bosque.
a veces escala montañas y
a veces descubre cuevas misteriosas.
se siente muy a gusto con su
jersey calentito amarillo y azul
y nunca sale sin su inseparable sombrero de fieltro
es un muñeco de trapo exclusivo
hecho a mano
con telas vintage y
relleno de fibra de poliéster.

firmado y con fecha.
su cara está cuidadosamente bordada a mano
mide 21cm por 14cm aproximadamente.
posteada también aquí.

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