a little mousy
there's a traditional spanish tale about a Vain Little Mouse...
she finds a coin unexpectedly while sweeping the front of her house.
will i buy a needle?
no, because i could prick my finger.
will i buy a bunch of sweets?
no, because my teeth will become rotten.
in the tale she finally decides on a ribbon to put in her tail
but this vain little mouse prefers to put a black ribbon on her neck.
just to be trendy!
doli little mousy is an exclusive one-of-a-kind
handcrafted rag doll, signed and dated
she's approx 8.2" high and 4.7" wide.
her face is carefully hand embroidered.
made with vintage fabrics and
stuffed with polyfill.
she's wearing a red stripped dress
and black felted collar.
la ratita presumidahandcrafted rag doll, signed and dated
she's approx 8.2" high and 4.7" wide.
her face is carefully hand embroidered.
made with vintage fabrics and
stuffed with polyfill.
she's wearing a red stripped dress
and black felted collar.
qué me compraré?
un broche! no, me podría pinchar un dedo.
me compraré caramelos! no, me estropearían los dientes.
en el cuento al final decide comprarse un lacito para su cola,
pero esta ratita presumida ha decidido ponérselo en el cuello.
a modo de pajarita,
que está más de moda.
doli ratita es una muñeca de trapo exclusiva
hecha a mano, firmada y con fecha.
mide 21cm por 12cm aproximadamente
su cara está cuidadosamente bordada
está hecha de telas vintage y
rellena de fibra de poliéster.
lleva un vestidito de rayas rojas y un cuello de fieltro negro.